Mistress Travelling To New York City

At the end of March to mid-April, I will be in New York, offering Exclusive Sessions for locals and visitors to the city. New York is an electrifying city that never sleeps, where every desire can be indulged, so I am rather excited to visit and experience what the city has on offer. I am available for pure sessions either in hotel rooms or dungeons, or secret public sessions (kinky tours through the city), being a companion to clubs and events, and open to receiving services such as chauffeur, food deliverer, shopping spree, city apartment ‘airbnb trade’ (where you move out

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Finding That Illusive Authentic Dominatrix

Yes, most Dominatrices in the industry are not authentic. They are usually sex workers who have chosen Domination and BDSM as their niche. Therefore, they are more PornDommes than authentic Dominatrices. They pander to male want and desire to build an Adult business, and have whittled Femdom down to sheer entertainment like a theme park ride. They have sensationalized Femdom, only doing the things that get the most clicks, disregarding the full spectrum and quality of Female Domination. These pretenders pose as stereotypical Dommes but they are mainly Social Media influencers, Only Fans and porn Content Creators for Adult sites

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The Great Divide: the secret war between Classic and New Wave Femdom

I’m a hybrid of Pro and Lifestyle. In Lifestyle, I am more like a Pro, and in Pro, I am more like a Lifestyle – I’ve always broken the standard. For Me, BDSM is about raging against the machine, so it is only natural for it to rage against itself too. I’ve heard both sides of the story, and it’s funny, both sides think they are supreme. But, especially over the last five years, there has become another division – the Classic verses the New Wave. Pro-Dominatrices have always been thought of as being highly proficient at Domination and BDSM

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Why Professional Femdom Is Appealing

The interest in seeing a Professional Femdom can vary widely among individuals. Some appreciate the ‘no strings’, the anonymity, the proficient BDSM skills, and others, the professionalism. Which Femdom one sees largely depends not only on individual preferences and desires of the person, but also the attraction they have to the personality of a Femdom. Naturally, different people are drawn to different Femdom traits, but also, they are drawn to different personality traits of a particular Femdom. Here are some common reasons why someone might be interested in Femdom: Power Dynamics (and Role Reversal)Some people find excitement in exploring power

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Feeling Guilty About Seeing A Dominatrix?

Ok, let’s get serious. There are many reasons why someone might feel guilty about seeing a Dominatrix. The most common reasons are they have a partner who doesn’t know, or it conflicts with their social identity, that investing in carnal pleasure is a ‘sin’ and means you are not a ‘respectable’ man. I have played with over 1000 people and have had conversations with tens of thousands more, many of which have had these concerns. The best way to know if BDSM and Domination with a Professional Dominatrix is for you is to make informed decisions that sustains your conscience.

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Cock Cage Kink: the good, the bad and the ugly

There are many different reasons for a Femdom to use a cock cage, but they all boil down to: power and control. Cock caging is part of the Chastity kink. Chastity is about abstaining from sexual activity and physical stimulation. Cock caging is about physical restriction for Chastity, but there is also psychological abstinence based on agreements, trust, blackmail, etc. Cock caging is often used as a punishment or to correct behaviour, but also as a form of ownership or enslavement by the Dominant or Keyholder. The cage is meant to be a painful experience both physically and emotionally, especially

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Professional Erotic Sessions

All I know is that I’m a real Dominatrix. My intentions for professional sessions are usually quite different from most ProDommes… I want erotic pleasure. A lot of people think there is a big difference between a private session and a professional session, somehow as if the private session is better because real feelings are involved. I guess they’ve never gone to see a Dominatrix like Me before. Doing business for Me doesn’t diminish My erotic feelings. I feel just as much in my professional sessions as my private, and often even more because I am encouraged and inspired by

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The Age Old Question: Why can’t I keep a sub around longer than six months?

I have quite some experience in BDSM and D/s relationships, and over the years my Domina friends have asked me for advice. As such, I became a mentor and teacher for them, sharing my insights, experience and observations to help them on their own journey. This is an example of what to expect from the Femdom Masterclass. FEMDOM MASTERCLASS I have Domina friends in different countries who get frustrated because they can’t keep a sub longer than six months. At the beginning, the sub is all in, then he starts to slacken off, then he starts to retreat, and eventually

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Sessions in Everyday Spaces

Even though dungeons and specialist equipment can be fun, they are not needed for organic play or Domination, and they are especially not needed if the Dominatrix is creative and innovative. Thus, I prefer to session in everyday settings – apartments, hotels, nature – to be flexible, to focus on natural Domination and dynamic, and to challenge myself. I have been sessioning in everyday spaces for over ten years in different countries. I’ve sessioned in 5-star hotels in major cities to cabins above the Arctic Circle. I’ve sessioned on isolated islands were nature provided the tools for torture, in a

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Why do I always use *him* to describe a sub?

I’m pansexual. I can be attracted to anyone with an ass. I’m proudly part of the LGBTQ+ community and I respect the changes in our vanilla language to recognise, value and cherish everyone. But there is a clear reason for Me personally as to why I always use him in BDSM and Femdom to describe a submissive. Language reversal. Even though I support gender equality, which includes the recognition and use of appropriate pronouns, in My own Femdom language, which I am consciously and continually constructing, especially with text, I want to drill home that men, all men, are fully

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