Finding That Illusive Authentic Dominatrix

Yes, most Dominatrices in the industry are not authentic. They are usually sex workers who have chosen Domination and BDSM as their niche. Therefore, they are more PornDommes than authentic Dominatrices. They pander to male want and desire to build an Adult business, and have whittled Femdom down to sheer entertainment like a theme park ride. They have sensationalized Femdom, only doing the things that get the most clicks, disregarding the full spectrum and quality of Female Domination. These pretenders pose as stereotypical Dommes but they are mainly Social Media influencers, Only Fans and porn Content Creators for Adult sites who do sessions on the side with real clients just to save face. Most of the bigger PornDommes on the market are just the front woman; the rest of the operation is run by men. This is evident when you go to a sex industry expo and approach a celebrity pornDomme for business. They will tell you to contact their manager or ‘business partner’ (often a boyfriend). The PornDomme industry has created a funktified version of Femdom, perverting the perverted. It is only good for cheap, quick fixes.

Most ProDommes on the scene are ‘kink dispensers’. You order what you want, they do it for you at a price. There is no real domination; they are offering a service just like any other business. These Dominatrices do not build a power dynamic with you – they do what you want, say what you want, and pretend they are in control. They have no emotional investment in developing the connection needed for a power dynamic. They provide a fabricated experience, often based on PornDomme, for your enjoyment. After they are done with a session, they go back to their daily vanilla lives. Clients use them to scratch an itch for a few months.

However, among the thousands of PornDommes and ProDommes are the few authentic Dominatrices. Yes, they exist. They are exceptionally hard to find and it’s even harder to become one of their subjects. They of course, as tradition is, accept tribute. This is to finance their lifestyle so they can focus on who they are instead of wasting their talents on vanilla things. As such, they are not kink dispensers like ProDommes, but world builders. They rule by their own desires, creating a power dynamic for lasting effect. They do what they want, they say what they want, and are not dictated by male want or desire. Their Femdom is an eternal flame. How do I know this? Because this is what I have endeavored to be my whole life.