Femdom Masterclass

Become the Femdom you've always dreamed of​

Femdom Masterclass is based on the philosophy and style of Miss Racy Wilde. Gain access to guides, tutorials, lectures, examples and stories that will help you develop and shape your own Femdom.

***Currently under development***

Known for her innovative approach to Femdom and Domination/submission dynamics, Miss Racy Wilde is sharing her:

  • Philosophy and style, which has been influenced by English Discipline, German Objectification and Parisian Aesthetic – the shape of Her Femdom lore.
  • Governance, Protocol and Management for a House of Law and Order.
  • Techniques and methods to develop a Body of Knowledge and Practice.
  • Aims, Purposes, Meanings, and Narratives of BDSM and Femdom practices, dynamics and journeys
  • Femdom World (Queendom) and dynamic building

Link to the Femdom Masterclass category.


Everyone has a beginning

If a Femdom wants to come into Her own, the only way is for Her to value Her own unique desires, and to create a path that will realise those desires through Her Domination.

In the beginning, I had never heard of Femdom, or BDSM. I didn’t know what Domination was. All I knew was that being rough with my boyfriends intensified my pleasure, dressing them up in my dance clothes made me crazy for them, and making them plead and beg thrilled me to the core. I enjoyed making my boyfriends do whatever I wanted… and I wanted more and more.

It wasn’t until well into my adulthood that I ‘stumbled’ upon BDSM communities. It amazed me that what I had been doing all my life, how I’d been exploring and creating my relationships and sexuality, actually had a name: Femdom. It felt relieving to finally be a part of a community of like-minded ‘kinksters’, but as I learnt more, I realised that the Femdom they understood was quite different from what I was.

First navigating the scene was confusing. I knew I was Dominant, but I wasn’t like anyone else. I often called myself ‘the new breed of kinkster’ because I seemed to go against the grain. Back then, the ‘Old Guard’ philosophy was still in fashion and there were all these standard protocols to learn. BDSM clubs were more like Families with hierarchies and systems of conduct – Female Dominants were wonderfully sophisticated and mysterious. These Dommes earned their title through craft and reputation. But then, with the raise of Socials, the Insta-Dommes took over the image of Femdom and a new type of insta-subs flooded online spaces. It seemed to create a dumbed-down version of Femdom. Female Domination lost its prestige and wonder – every girl with a webcam could now be a Dominatrix.

I stayed in the background for a while, feeling out of place. I wasn’t what most kinksters expected of a Femdom and in some ways I was an anarchist, challenging the standard. However, being a part of the BDSM community opened my eyes to the possibilities of becoming the Femdom of my dreams.

I wanted to develop my knowledge and skills as a Domme, but the public sources available were NOT what I wanted to know. I wanted it deeper, darker, smarter, more elegant and taboo. So, I decided to learn through play. I played with thousands – I chose the people that had the specific talents I was interested in so they could teach me about their bodies, and share their skills and knowledge of their craft. Learning through doing was incredible, and a lot of the Femdom I am today is owed to many amazing submissives and kinksters. Even today I endeavour to play with people who are highly developed in their craft to learn new techniques and advance My skills.

However, there was one thing that couldn’t be learnt, but instead needed to be drawn out – My Dominance. Why? Because Power comes from within. Domination needs to come from a place of truth, a place of desire, for it to feel right and be right. You can’t fake it, in other words. Practicing My Dominance without being in a permanent relationship has been quite challenging, but amplifying. My Domination evolved quickly, and became fluid. I chose many intense and difficult situations – I’m not one to shy away from a challenge – for the purpose of My Femdom development, experience and expression. And so far in my time, I have Dominated over a thousand submissives.

Thus, I have developed My own brand of Femdom. My own philosophy, My own style, My techniques and methods. I enjoy intellectual BDSM and artistry. I delight in ceremony, symbolism and meaning, narrative and design, intertextualism and complex logic. I want My Domination experiences to be an immersive work of art.

It is out of prudence that a Dominant Woman protects Her Femdom. Her Femdom is what makes Her unique, it is what makes Her renown, and it is what makes Her highly sort after. Not many Women reveal their secrets or share their  knowledge of Femdom. So, why am I sharing Mine?

As I’ve watched the BDSM scene progress and expand, Femdom has become quite generic and male-centric. I think it is important for real, unique and alternative voices to add to the fabric of Female Domination. I have also met a lot of wonderful Dominant Women who I have wanted more education and guidence than what the standrad channels offer. They want something authentic, relevant, fresh, elegant and inspiring. They are looking for something beyond the 101’s that will help them think of Femdom in new and innovative ways.

I hope to inspire women to turn away from cookie-cutter Femdom and help them nurture and strengthen their own unique Femdom identity, Domination and Queendom.