Why Do Men See A Dominatrix?

Well, the overarching reason is: Because they can. When men are younger, paying for it damages their pride. When men are older, logic and reason creeps in. They wise up. It is a fallacy to think that only men who can’t get a woman go to see a professional. It is quite the opposite. Seeing a professional isn’t just on a whim for them, they have usually looked at their life and decided what they want. It is a very rational choice. The main reasons I’ve discovered why men see a Dominatrix are: 1. They don’t want the ‘hassle’ of

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Tribute is the term used by Dominatrices for payment. The word creates an atmosphere and orientates potential clients to the world of Domination. It has become the norm to call any payment for Domination services, Tribute (to take the edge off paying for ‘taboo services’). Because of this generic use, the word has lost its power and significance. It has even become a bad word, but not in the good sense. For Traditional Dominatrices, a Tribute is an offering. It is considered a gift from a potential submissive to express readiness to serve, and is presented upon initial contact. Tributes

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